Course Objectives
The course aims to equip those students wishing to enter the shipping business. To this end, it offers a balanced educational programme in accordance with the general philosophy of the 21st century and the dynamic field of shipping. You will study the various business, legal and financial parameters of shipping as well as gain a practical insight into the local and global shipping industry.
In the first year, we try to give fresh students a general but solid introduction into the exciting world of business management. The idea is that if students do not understand the basic principles of modern management, how can they understand the complicated area of shipping? All subjects taught in the first year aim at aiding the student to shed light on the ‘grey’ areas in the rather demanding and competitive environment of the 21st century.
The second year introduces students to the world of shipping. Quickly, students are faced with the problems of the industry, while, at the same time, the endless opportunities for solutions. World shipping and its developments are tackled and comparative studies of different countries are carried out. Naturally, the course embraces the Cypriot situation and analyses the developments of the last forty years. Simultaneously, the second year presents to the student the other basic functions of shipping and general management in a far greater depth than the first year.
Course Recognition
CIM is delighted to announce that its BSc Shipping Administration (3 Years), has been reviewed and awarded maximum exemptions (3 out of 7) from ICS:
1. Introduction to Shipping
2. Legal Principles in Shipping Business
3. Economics of Sea Transport
The CIM programme is the only 3 Year BSc in Shipping programme that enjoys maximum exemptions in Cyprus.
Course Structure
- Diploma in Marketing Management (DMM)
- Advanced Diploma in Shipping Administration (ADSA)
- Bachelor in Shipping Administration (BSA)
– Upon successful completion of Year 2, the interim Advanced Diploma in Shipping Administration (ADSA) is awarded.
– Upon successful completion of Year 3, the B.Sc., Degree is awarded.
Year 1 (DMM - Prerequisite)
1. Marketing Management
This course provides students with a good knowledge and a sound grasp of the basic concepts of marketing and their application in real life. Marketing Management is designed to serve as an introduction to the theory and practice of marketing. Students will improve their ability to develop effective marketing strategies and assess market opportunities, as well as design strategic implementation programs.
2. Economics
3. Business Organisation
This course ensures that, in the first year, students have a sufficient knowledge of company administration to think of marketing as a cross-functional operation, a matter of company-wide involvement, rather than merely requiring expertise in specific marketing techniques. A knowledge of the functional parts of business administration in this course is to be treated as a fore-runner to the acquisition of skills in managerial application.
4. Statistics
This course sets a minimum standard for the acquisition of skills in recognizing and expressing data in numerical terms for the solution of marketing problems. Experience has shown that, since much business information and market intelligence takes a numerical form, few problems can be dealt with effectively without an adequate understanding of statistics and statistical method.
5. Commercial Law
This course enables students to recognize when legal aspects are involved in their work and to know how to communicate with and utilize the services of legal advisers. Specialist ability is not sought but main attention should be paid to the sections of contracts, trade practices, sales of goods and agency.
6. Business English
The course aims at developing the student’s communicative skills, fluency and critical thought. It entails reading and listening comprehension practice tests, exploring texts and motivating students to take part in conversations and discussions of various lengths and levels.
Year 2
1. Introduction to Shipping
This introductory module is considered an important ‘opening’ to the maritime world. This course introduces major aspects and concepts of the shipping industry at a European and International level.
2. Shipping Law
Shipping law consists of a combination of customs, legislations, European and International treaties concerned with the rights and responsibilities of vessel ownership and operation. Students will be exposed to different areas of shipping law, covering the legal issues related to commercial shipping activities, vessel registration; shipbuilding; insurance and safety at sea.
3. Practice of Marketing
This course provides adequate knowledge for students to perform adequately in a single functional area within marketing, by gaining a deeper knowledge of different theories and marketing practices.
4. Maritime Geography
This module will enable students to gain familiarity with the main areas of maritime geography including latitude and longitude, ports, weather, time and tides, waterways, geography of trade etc.
5. Marine Insurance
Marine Insurance will provide an in-depth investigation of the legal principles underlying the area of marine insurance. Different insurance policies and principles will be used as a guide alongside the main ideas of this module. This course also covers the important aspects of marine insurance, ranging from terms and conditions to the practical handling of claims and loss prevention.
6. Computers & Information Systems
Students will gain an understanding of information technology concepts. The course is designed to promote the understanding of information systems and the technology that comes with them. It focuses on advanced concepts of information technology and the role that IT systems play in the business world. Major components of the course include networking, databases and data structures, data communication, risks of computerization and the use of the internet in an organization.
Year 3
1. Maritime Logistics
This course provides students with an introduction to study in the maritime and logistics management fields. Students will gain contemporary business expertise relevant to careers in management and administration in the logistics and maritime industries and related areas.
2. Public Relations
3. Shipping Business
This course is designed to provide students with an understanding of financial statements, costs, revenues and financial performance of shipping companies as well as computing, voyage and annual cash flows. The course will develop an understanding of marine insurance and forecasting, and risk management..
4. Executive Skills
This course explains to students how to develop the necessary skills to become a better manager: It focuses on the executive stance, executive success patterns, executive success skills and executive responsibilities
5. Customs & Ship Documentation
All the related customs and ship documentation used for the most common shipping transactions will be evaluated throughout this module. TThese include transactions like export / import, custom clearance, immigration, loading / unloading cargos ship documentation such as CIF and FOB and Bills of Lading.
6. International Marketing
This course examines the impact of economic, cultural, political, legal and other environmental influences on international marketing. Within this context, we will discuss how to identify and analyze worldwide marketing opportunities, and examine product, pricing, distribution and promotion strategies. Students are expected to read current periodicals and journals to keep abreast of current international developments.
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