The Market: International Journal of Business

An open-access publication that promotes new research and the productive interaction between various business disciplines and fields


The Market: International Journal of Business is a scholarly, open-access peer-reviewed research journal published annually by the Cyprus Centre for Business Research at CIM-Cyprus Business School. 

The journal considers articles that express new and innovative ideas in Business, paying particular attention to developments in Cyprus and the broader Eastern Mediterranean area. It publishes the results of research endeavours that show strong future prospects and articles that address betterment of human life and business practices. Articles comprising of a domestic or/and international outlooks from major business disciplines are welcome.

The Market aims to provide opportunities for the promotion of new dynamic business ideas to enhance research in all business fields – Marketing, Management, Strategy, Accounting and Finance, HR, Political Marketing, and Shipping, among others. Its goal is to create awareness of important scholarly achievements in the aforementioned fields, both locally and internationally.

The Market is hosted on ProQuest and on EBSCO, two of the world’s most-used databases for scientific journals. 


  • Founding Editor – Professor Emeritus John Kaminarides, University of Arkansas
  • Editor-in-Chief – Dr Constantinos Constantinou, CIM-Cyprus Business School

Editorial Board

  • Prof. Almuth McDowall, Birkbeck, University of London
  • Dr Derek Watson, University of Sunderland
  • Dr Suresh Gamlath, University of West London
  • Prof. Valerio Mancini, Rome Business School
  • Dr Serhii Lehenchuk, Zhytomyr Polytechnic State University, Ukraine
  • Dr Isabella Corvino, Università degli studi di Perugia
  • Mr Yotam Werzansky Orland, Esq., CIM-Cyprus Business School
  • Dr Myria Kkali, CIM-Cyprus Business School
  • Dr Maria Socratous, CIM-Cyprus Business School
  • Dr Katerina Pavlou, CIM-Cyprus Business School
  • Dr Christiana Charalambidou, CIM-Cyprus Business School
  • Dr Louis Karaolis, CIM-Cyprus Business School
  • Dr Roman Puchkov, CIM-Cyprus Business School

Submission Requirements for Authors

Please send your typescript, with separate cover page containing the title, your name, address, position, and institutional affiliation by e-mail to:  
Constantinos Constantinou
The Market: International Journal of Business
All typescripts must be submitted as pdf and word files.

Full research papers must not exceed 6,000 words (including author’s info and references). 

The Market also welcomes Research Notes (up to 2,000 words) that include a brief introduction, a brief methodology, results/tables, a short discussion, and main references.  

Authors are also kindly requested to send a short biography – up to 300 words – that includes their affiliation, educational background, research interests, and an e-mail address they do not mind us publishing. 

Typescript requirements:

  1. Abstract and keyterms: The abstract should appear below the names of the author(s) in a section entitled ABSTRACT. Please include up to 7 keyterms. 
  2. Spacing and type: All typescripts should be double-spaced and must be in size 12 Times New Roman font. 
  3. Margins: The left margin must be at least one-and-a-half inches. The top, bottom and right margins must be at least one inch.
  4. Pagination: Paginate in arabic numerals the main body of the text. Center each page number horizontally at the bottom of the page.
  5. Titles and Headings: Section titles should be centred and in bold. Subsections should be undelined. Name and affiliation of author should appear just below the title. 
  6. Tables, Figures and Illustrations: Tables should appear on separate pages with notations inserted in the typescript. Submit different files for figures and illustrations on separate pages. The headings should be in capital letters. 
  7. Formulas: Formulas should be single-spaced with two spaces below each formula. Each formula should have a number of parentheses on the right margin. 
  8. Footnotes and References: Footnotes should be consecutively numbered within the text and appear at the end, preceding references. All references should be cited in the text as well as in a separate page at the end of the manuscript with a heading labelled References. They should be cited and presented following the Harvard reference format. 

Call for papers

The journal considers articles that express new and innovative ideas in thebroad field of Business.

It publishes the results of research endeavors that show strong future prospects and articles that address betterment of human life and business practices.

Articles comprising of either domestic or international outlook are welcome.

The Market aims at providing opportunities for the promotion of new dynamic business ideas to enhance research in all business fields, with possible topics including – but not restricted to – the following:

  • Marketing
  • Management
  • Business Organisation & Strategy
  • Accounting & Finance
  • International Entrepreneurship
  • Political Marketing
  • Human Resource Management
  • CALL FOR ABSTRACTS (up to 300 words): by 20 September each year
  • CALL FOR PAPERS (FOLLOWING APPROVAL): by 1 November each year

Ethos & Values

The Market fully endorses the code of conduct of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). Further, the editors and readers of The Market are firmly against any and all discrimination: of gender, sexual orientation, nationality, religion, and ability.

The editors and readers of The Market undertake to:
  • Be responsible for thoroughly checking all of the material that is published in their journal so as to safeguard against any plagiarism (e.g., through the use of sophisticated software)
  • Avoid bias at all costs
  • Shortlist articles based only whether they serve the purpose of contributing novel understanding and knowledge
  • Accept/reject articles on reasonable bases and give reasons as to why if asked
  • Support any initiative that is directed towards raising further awareness of business ethcics
  • Positive reinforcement may take place whenever someone exhibits an exemplary behavior, with her/his behavior being worthy of emulation; equally, misconduct will not only be discouraged but even result in the termination of the collaboration should the author repeatedly refuse (following sufficient time to do so while providing any necessary advice/further guidance) or fail to comply with the rules and regulations of the journal 
As regards the review process:
  • Procedure of review will be clear and evident
  • Authors can appeal against editorial decisions by e-mailing us (
  • In regards to editors’ relations with their reviewers, and in alignment with section 4.1 in COPE declaration, editors must provide guidance to reviewers on everything that is expected of them (including, the need to handle submitted material in confidence) 
  • Review process will be checked by the editors to ensure fair, unbiased, and timely procedures
  • Editors will align with GDPR regulations
  • Editorial decisions will not be influenced in any way by the origins of the manuscript (whether nationality, ethnicity, political beliefs, race or religious orientation of the authors); nor be affected by the policies of government or other agencies outside of the journal per se
  • Transparency will be of outmost importance; e.g., CONSORT will be followed
  • Blind review shall take place to reduce prejudice/bias; in addition, this will ensure confidentiality
  • International standards for authors will be encouraged to be followed (see, for example, here)
  • External reviewers with conflicting/competing interests with an author will not be permitted to review the article of that person
  • During the reviewing process, there will be at least one person who is ranked either (at least) Associate Professor or above that rank.  
  • COPE flowcharts will be advised during the reviewing procedure (with links being provided).
  • Editors will encourage reviewers to point out any observed unethical practice or manipulation of data to serve one’s own research findings. They will also encourage them to give priority to original papers
  • Cases of alleged misconduct shall be further investigated; especially, alerting on matters dealing with breaches of intellectual property laws and conventions
  • A complaint mechanism system will be present; for unresolved matters, individuals may refer to COPE.
  • Any commercials/adverts are to be separately dealt with the Advertising/Marketing department.
  • Previously published articles will not be permitted; also, once the sent Abstract will be accepted and the authors in question have successfully been notified, they will only be allowed to submit their article in this Journal and not anywhere else.


Vol 1 (2020)

The inaugural issue of The Market features eight scholarly (peer-reviewed) articles on subjects ranging from Accounting & Finance to Cyber Space, Shipping, and Tourism. 

Table of Contents

  • A. Kythreotis and C. Constantinou, The Interrelation between the IFRS Conceptual Framework’s Fundamental Qualitative Characteristics and Financial Reporting Quality: An Empirical Investigation of 15 European Countries
  • D. Kerigan-Kyrou, Cybersecurity – An Integral Part of Every Business
  • R.I. Goldbach, I.F. Barbu, M. Constantinescu and A. Bidireanu, Trends in the Romanian Education and Training System in the Context of International Sustainable Development
  • M. Odigiri, D. Watson and F. Tekelas, Factors Affecting Academic Job Performance in Nigerian Universities: A Case Study of Delta State University and Igbinedion University Okada
  • M. Socratous, Eliminating Gender Discrimination in the Workplace through Gender Neutrality
  • A. Krupnova and M. Socratous, Why Foreign Companies Choose Cyprus
  • N.A. Michail and K.D. Melas, A Cointegrating Stock Trading Strategy: Application to Listed Tanker Shipping Companies
  • E. Daskalaki, Cultural Diversity and Indicated Intercultural Implications in the Hotel Working Environment in the United Kingdom: Underpinning the Employee’s Perspective

Vol 2 (2021)

The second volume of The Market features eleven scholarly (peer-reviewed) articles on a wide range of Business subjects: from Business Law and Energy to Online Gaming, Political Marketing, and SMEs. 

Table of Contents

  • C. Doyle, D. Murphy and D. Watson, Corporate Governance: An Organisational Attribute or an Academic Exercise?
  • Y. Nicolaidou, Human Shielding
  • R. Puchkov and N. Shiraz, Are Economic Crises Subject to the Laws of Physics rather than of Economics? Critical Review of the Existing Literature on Econophysics and Related Studies
  • Y. Zhai and D. Watson, The Internationalisation of the Food Manufacturing Industry in the Emerging Chinese Food Market: A Case Study of Dairy Producers
  • I. Gleni and K. Pavlou, An Investigation into Employee Engagement in the Private Sector in Cyprus
  • A.Terekhova and C. Constantinou, Are our Battles in Online Games Enough to Attain Peace across the Globe?
  • N. Antoniades, Drivers of Competitive Presidential Candidates
  • G. Yangou, Knowledge as a Mediator to Social Media: Path to Cyprus Government Change Performance
  • N. Antoniades, I. Mohr and C. Constantinou, The CIS Model as a Mediator to Climate Change Government Performance
  • D. Sourianos, The Evolution of Digitalization in the Maritime Industry
  • I. Kujala and A.R. Owusu, The Internationalisation of African Emerging Market SMEs – A Literature Review and Propositions

Vol 3 (2022)

The third issue of the journal features yet again articles covering a wide range of issues and topics and showcasing new and exciting research. The volume features nine scientific articles linking business with cyber space, online gaming, and shipping, as well as articles that offer valuable insights into consumer behaviour, digital marketing and corporate governance. There’s also an article on understanding the dimensions of human capital. Salient issues, including the relationship between specific organisational resources and their significance to the award-winning CIS Model, are analysed, too.

Table of Contents

  • D. Murphy and D. Watson, Governance, board membership identity and socialised induction: A narrative on enabling an effective boardroom experience
  • D. Kerigan-Kyrou, New challenges for the military. But new solutions in military education and training?
  • L. Swas and M. Kkali, “Is It Funny?”: A thematic analysis of YouTube consumers’ perception and attention towards surreal and parody humour styles used in online video advertising
  • D. Christou, Technology acceptance model for digital health technologies and the effect of Covid-19 on users’ behavior: the case of Cyprus
  • G. Green-McLennon and D. Watson, Understanding the dimensions of human capital – organisational implications and application
  • P. Usaha, O. Alsalahat, J. Johnson, B.M. Shin and N. Antoniades, The CIS strategy as a driver of competitive organizational resources
  • S.S. Christou and G. Thrasyvoulou, Factors affecting consumer loyalty independent bookstores: How well are customer needs being met? A cross-generational case study
  • A. Terekhova and C. Constantinou, Online games: Exploring future possibilities
  • E. Philippou, Cultural diversity and its impact on employee engagement: A case study on a multinational organisation

Vol 4 (2023)

Our fourth issue covers a range of contemporary and pressing issues and topics in the broad world of Business. These include articles linking business with law, sports and online gaming, as well as articles that offer valuable insights into strategic human resource management and HRM, security, defence and economics. This volume also features an article on understanding the connection between political advertising and law. Salient issues, including how British food manufacturers foster safe food cultures, are examined too.

Table of Contents

  • Y. Werzansky-Orland, Jurisdiction in a Borderless Digital World – The Case for Cyprus
  • V. Mancini, T. Marazzi and A. Postiglione, Sport as a Global Business: Esports, Crypto, NFT and Metaverse
  • M. Shirazi, A Hydrogen Economy: The Role of a Sharing Economy and Energy Prices
  • D. Watson, Y. Zhai and J. Lichy, A Perfect Storm, Brexit, COVID-19 and Increased Cases of Food Contamination: A Case Study of how British Food Manufacturers Foster Safe Food Cultures
  • A. McDowall, Work-Life Balance through a Diversity Lens: Implications for Research and Practice
  • D. Louca, Cypriot Consumer Perceptions of Service Failure and Recovery: Qualitative Insights
  • A. Terekhova and C. Constantinou, Online Games, Celebrities and Licensing: Igniting a New World
  • L. Karaolis, Digitalisation, Data Protection, and a Fragmenting Internal Market in Political Advertising
  • P. Hadjipavlis and C. Constantinou, The Marketing of Geopolitics through Cartoons: The Case of the Republic of Cyprus
  • P. Savvides, European Security, Defence Expenditure and Global Order after 2/24
  • G. Lilli, Strategic Human Resource Management and Diversity Management in Cyprus: Focusing on Multicultural Employees’ Probation Period

Vol 5 (2024)

The fifth volume covers a range of contemporary and pressing issues and topics in the broad world of Business. These include articles linking business with law, finance, marketing and online gaming, as well as articles that offer valuable insights into foreign business communities, international trade and management. There is also an article on the use of evidence and neurodiversity at work. Exciting and thought-provoking issues, including AI and copyright protection are examined, too, while the issue features articles on HRM and HRM/OB by CIM graduates whose Master dissertations received a distinction.

Table of Contents

  • Y. Werzansky-Orland, AI-generated Content and the Question of Copyright
  • K.R. Bell, A New Fintech-friendly Country: The Fintech Ecosystem of Cyprus
  • L. Karaolis, Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence: A Legal Disruption to Business Operations
  • I. Corvino, Foreign Business Communities: A Relational Sociology Study
  • P. Daniel and L. Karaolis, Exploring the Barriers to Pursuing a Maritime Career in Cyprus 
  • A. Damianou and L. Karaolis, Job Satisfaction in the Legal Profession: The Case of Cyprus
  • Y. Zhai, D. Watson and X. Zhu, China-EU Trade Relations: The Impact of European Anti-dumping Investigations on Chinese Enterprises
  • E.P. Antonacopoulou, A New Management Manifesto for a VUCA World: An Invitation 
  • A. Terekhova and C. Constantinou, Online Games, Female Gamers and Marketing: New Business Opportunities and Challenges
  • P. Hadjipavlis and C. Constantinou, Western Strategic Communications and the Formation of Geopolitics Amidst the Ukrainian Crisis
  • A. McDowall, N. Doyle and M. Kiseleva, Is a Little Knowledge a Dangerous Thing? A Stakeholder Perspective on the Use of Evidence about Neurodiversity at Work
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